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Showing posts from September, 2014

Common Filipina Tag

Hello Pretty! Here’s another Tag Video! I had fun doing this tag . Questions: 1. Have you eaten balut? 2. Do you sing karaoke? 3. How many times do you go to the mall every week? 4. Do you buy something at Starbucks? 5. Mcdo or Jollibee? 6. Favorite local make up line? 7. 100% Filipina? 8. How do you call your parents? Mom/dad or nanay/tatay? 9. Are you studying on private/public school? 10. Do you wear make up outside? 11. How many selfies do you take? 12. Are you active on your FB and Twitter? 13. What is your favorite local song? 14. How many pictures and followers do you have on Instagram? 15. What sports do you like? 16. How do you style your hair? I TAG YOU ALL GIRLS! jollybeautymakeup Anne Clutz Lai's Randomness j0bhel Lita ivy trigg Faith Jan Lappay lifeandbeauty chic elena De Leon Rhia Banana makeupbykarlamisa TrendChasing ivy manipula IamSharmaineR BrevieLou Michelle Magramo IamBleszy heyitsme rej simply rhaze MJ Diocares ...

Night Out Makeup and Outfit Tutorial in Collaboration w/ Kyla Moreno

Here's another Makeup Plus Outfit Tutorial. I really enjoyed filming this video, so I hope you'll finish watching this one up to the end. Thank you pretties! Mwuaa. Show some love by subscribing to my channel. :** For Blog Sponsorship, Just Go to CONTACT and you'll see my details there. :**

Fall Makeup Look in Collaboration with AshlyKlaty

Hello There! This is my first time collaborating  w/  foreign youtuber and I am grateful that I had a chance doing this kind of video. If you have time, Please do visit her channel. She's doing wonderful videos. Thank you!! :** Watch This Video! Don't Forget To Like, Rate and Subscribe! :**

Wet N Wild Megalast Lipsticks Swatches 💋

                                           Wet N Wild Megalast Lipsticks  Swatches 💋        I got all my lipsticks from Each lippies costs P148. So what are you waiting for, GRAB YOURS NOW! 💋                        💋CHERRY PICKING💋                  💋JUST PEACHY 💋                    💋ROSEBUD💋                    💋PINKERBELL💋 Wet N Wild Megalast Lipsticks Swatches Video!